By now you’ve probably realised that life can get pretty complicated. Each day presents competing priorities and challenges, and sometimes it can leave you puzzled as to why that “to-do” list never seems to get shorter. It’s no surprise that the latest buzzword is “simplicity.” Simplicity is about eliminating the unnecessary; decluttering physically and mentally. Simplifying your life helps you gain clarity of mind, reduces stress, can have great flow on effects for the environment, and frees up more of your time for what’s important to you. To start off the new year, we’ve come up with a list of ways you can start decluttering your life.
1. Declutter your space
- Clutter can be frustrating and distract you from the tasks at hand. From your personal space to the digital world you inhabit, retire the things that no longer serve a purpose in your life. This includes the apps on your phone that you no longer use.
- Letting go of memorabilia can be especially difficult, but don’t let guilt hinder your decluttering process. We suggest Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up to get you started.
2. Own less and buy less
- Iconic fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent believes, “Fashion fades, style is eternal.” Having timeless pieces in your wardrobe can help you break free from the cycle of keeping up with trends. There will always be something new to purchase. So before you do so, ask yourself if you are satisfying a need or a want.
3. Cut out negativity
- Simplifying your life extends beyond spaces and objects. Assess and reflect on the environments and people that are in your life. Take a step back before allowing yourself to be caught up in unnecessary drama.
- Be kind to yourself. Don’t beat yourself up with toxic and hurtful thoughts.
4. Get into the habit of making a list
- Having a to-do list gives you a better overview of the tasks that need to be done and helps you to prioritise better. We suggest categorising your tasks into urgent/non-urgent and necessary/unnecessary. This helps you to focus on what’s important.
5. Single-tasking
- Taking on too much at one go can increase stress levels. Instead, take the time to focus on accomplishing one task at a time.
- Read more about the benefits of single-tasking here
6. Meditate/ Keep a reflective journal
- At the end of a busy day, spend some time to meditate or reflect on the day’s events by journaling. This can help you refocus on what’s important and improve self-awareness, de-cluttering your mind is just as important as de-cluttering your environment.