Introduction to Mindfulness

Cultivate a sense of wellbeing and balance in a busy world

Introduction to Mindfulness

Introduction to Mindfulness

Our life and/or work environment can be stressful, pressurised and challenging and as we are always in the “doing” mode it can mean we never have any downtime to re-balance and re-focus.

There is an ever-growing body of empirical evidence showing that mindfulness can help us self-regulate our moods and thoughts, become more resilient in the face of stress and challenges, make us more productive and effective, and restore a sense of calm and balance to our lives.  Recognizing that there are better ways to live and work, to reduce stress and to increase well-being and resilience is part of the Mindfulness approach.

This one-day workshop will focus on the practical application of mindfulness in everyday life.  You will discover techniques that will help you find greater focus, efficiency, clarity and creativity in what you do.  When your attention is steady and clear, your mind is also!  Learn effective relaxation and meditative practices that will support your ability to stop and be present. Some of the benefits of these simple techniques help bring about a greater vitality, enthusiasm and happiness for life and a sense of contentment that is not dependent on outside forces.

This one day workshop is an opportunity to experience the benefits of meditation and will help cultivate mindfulness in daily living.  You will learn how mindfulness helps us to develop a greater awareness, self-knowledge, composure and self-compassion.

The day will include an experiential introduction to mindfulness meditation, and practical techniques to manage stress and increase relaxation.

This workshop will include experiential exercises/ practices and there will be an opportunity for group discussion.

We will take time to explore:-

  • The benefits of practising mindfulness meditation
  • Simple techniques to help you become more focused and effective
  • Improve productivity and creativity
  • Become a mindful communicator
  • Increased awareness of self and others in the workplace
  • Enhance our physical and psychological wellbeing
Introduction to Mindfulness
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Introduction to Mindfulness


Introduction to Mindfulness